Emergency Help For Hawaii

Emergency Help For Hawaii

​Aloha. It may seem a little weird that a merch business based on the Boston Red Sox would be reaching out to you about this, but​ long before making Boston homebase, Hawaii was home.

Because of the fast moving wildfires in Maui earlier this week, Hawaii is in desperate need of help​.​ The town of Lahaina, which was once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom, has been burned to the ground, leaving thousands homeless.

The kids over at The Chesterfield Suite have made it easy for us and put together a page with links to charitable organizations that you can donate to. (The​r​e is probably also a new design in the works​ that will benefit relief efforts, so be sure to sign up for their newsletter to learn more.)

Please take a ​q​uick sec to​ c​heck out their link and consider making a donation.​ Maui is on a long road to recovery, but ​together, we can help to make a​n impact and restore​ some of what was lost.​

Feel free to share th​a​t page with your friends, family, and anyone else who may be interested in extending their support.​

OK! Thanks and we'll be back with our not so regularly scheduled emails, soon!

Chris and Emily

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